MATLAB: Error using ‘graph’ function in matlab R2019b

graphgraph theoryMATLAB

I have created a binarized symmetric matrix A (n x n) which represents the connectivity matrix with 1's and 0's – 1 representing the existence of an edge. This error though is general and works with any type of matrix. When using the command G=graph(A) I get the following error:
>> G=graph(A)
Error using graph.validateEdgeProperties (line 375)
Edge properties must be a table.
Error in graph/set.EdgeProperties (line 330)
G.EdgeProperties = graph.validateEdgeProperties(T);
Error in graph (line 278)
G.EdgeProperties = table(nonzeros(tril(A)), 'VariableNames', {'Weight'});
I am using R2019b. I have not used the graph function before on this version. What is the problem? It occurs irrespective of the matrix that I am using (it is a generic problem).

Best Answer

Could you try starting a new MATLAB and just enter the following code:
>> A = ones(3);
>> G = graph(A);
If this gives the error message you mentioned, could you again run the following lines on command line?
>> T = table(nonzeros(tril(A)), 'VariableNames', {'Weight'})
>> istable(T)
>> class(T)
If this returns true and 'table', we'll have a deeper mystery to solve. If not, please let us know what is being displayed for you.