MATLAB: Error Bar lines are connected in bar plot

barbar ploterror barplot

For some reason, lines are connecting my mean values when I add error bars to a bar plot…. any idea how to fix this?
Here's my code:
sens_top = sens_top(~isnan(sens_top));
spec_top = spec_top(~isnan(spec_top));
sens_bottom = sens_bottom(~isnan(sens_bottom));
spec_bottom = spec_bottom(~isnan(spec_bottom));
data(1) = mean(sens_top);
data(2) = mean(spec_top);
data(3) = mean(sens_bottom);
data(4) = mean(spec_bottom);
errhigh(1) = prctile(sens_top, 75);
errhigh(2) = prctile(spec_top, 75);
errhigh(3) = prctile(sens_bottom, 75);
errhigh(4) = prctile(spec_bottom, 75);
errlow(1) = prctile(sens_top, 25);
errlow(2) = prctile(spec_top, 25);
errlow(3) = prctile(sens_bottom, 25);
errlow(4) = prctile(spec_bottom, 25);
x = 1:4;
bar(x, data)
hold on
er = errorbar(x, data, errlow, errhigh);
er.Color = [0 0 0];
er.LineStyle = 'none';
set(gca,'xticklabel',{'Worst Feat. Sensitivity', 'Worst Feat. Specificity',...
'Best Feat. Sensitivity', 'Best Feat. Specificity'});
odd bar.PNG
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