MATLAB: Error: Attempted to access din(289,1); index out of bounds because size(din)=[288,543].

1); index out of bounds because size(din)=[288543].error: attempted to access din(289

My code is,
din=imread('pic1.jpg'); figure(1); imshow(din); din=im2double(din); [m,n]=size(din);
for i=1:m for j=1:n if(din(i,j)==1) din(i,j)=1000; else din(i,j)=0; end end end
din(:,1) = 0; % Make first column 0. din(:,end) = 0; % Make last column 0. din(1,:) = 0; % Make first row 0. din(end,:) = 0; % Make last row 0. figure(2); imshow(din);
for j=2:1:n+1
for i=2:1:m+1
Error: Attempted to access din(289,1); index out of bounds because size(din)=[288,543].
Error in distance (line 46) din(i,j)=min([din(i,j);1+din(i-1,j);
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

The error occurs first when i=m+1 (ie. 289) and j=2 since you refer to din(289,1). In this case the debugger is useful.