MATLAB: Enter data into GUI table


I created a GUI table with tag "table_handle" using GUIDE. Now how can I enter data into that table? According to the examples, I should be able to use uitable(handles.table_handle, 'Data', dataMatrix), where dataMatrix is the data that I want to enter into the table. However, I get the error undefined function or variable 'table_handle'.
If I replace handles.table_handle with gcf, the table is plopped in the middle of my current window; at least it displays, but I need it to be displayed in it's preset location.
Another problem that I have is that I can not change the default size of the table. In GUIDE, when I open "property inspector", "Data", it shows that there are four rows. If I delete the last three and hit apply, those rows just come back. How can I choose my own dimensions for this table?

Best Answer

It should be
set(handles.table_handle, 'Data', dataMatrix)