MATLAB: How do i add a pushbutton to an already created uitable in GUI matlab

MATLABmatlab guide

I want to add a new pushbutton in an already created uitable by hardcoding it. For now i have created a UI table like this by adding a pushbutton to create it:
function table_Button_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
'Position',[0.008 0.5 5 0.5],'ColumnWidth','auto', ...
'Data', tabledata,'ColumnName', columnname, ...
'ColumnFormat', columnformat,'ColumnEditable', columneditable, ...
'RowName',[] ,'BackgroundColor',[.7 .9 .8],'ForegroundColor',[0 0 0]);
Now i want to add another button inside this table to create more number of rows.How do i create that button inside the table. Thank you in advance.I am new to matlab GUide.Kindly help with this.

Best Answer

sachin - once you add your new button (to your GUI) you can use the following callback to add one new row to the table

 function addRowsButton_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
 tableData = get(handles.Load_data, 'Data');
 % add one new row
 if iscell(tableData)
 set(handles.Load_data, 'Data', tableData);

Try the above and see what happens!