MATLAB: Do I encounter “something Unexpected Occurred” after installing the “Xilinx Zynq-Based Radio, or USRP Embedded Series Radio” support packages

Why do I encounter "something Unexpected Occurred" when installing a support package after having installed the "Xilinx Zynq-Based Radio, or USRP Embedded Series Radio" support packages?

Best Answer

Currently Communications Toolbox Support Package for Xilinx Zynq-Based Radio Version 19.2.1, and USRP Embedded Series Radio version 19.2.1 cannot be installed alongside some other support packages.
Currently there is no workaround, and you will want to either install just one of the name support packages in isolation or neither of those support packages for the moment.
If you do not have either of those support packages installed you can use the following article to troubleshoot this issue.
Why do I see the error "Something Unexpected Occurred" when installing a Support Package?