MATLAB: Communicate with USRP rio x310 (USRP2954R) via its SerialNum


I am trying to communicate with NI-USRP2954R (Rio X310) via matlab, using its serial number as the USRP is connected to the host PC via a PCI Express cable.
However, I have got this warning/error.
I have used the same program to communicate with NI-USRP2901 (via USB cable) and it works well. Why it does not work with usrp Rio x310.
Warning: The SerialNum property is not relevant in this configuration of the System object.
> In matlab.system.SystemProp/setProperties
In comm.internal.SDRuBase
In comm.SDRuTransmitter
Warning: The SerialNum property is not relevant in this configuration of the System object.
> In matlab.system.SystemProp/setProperties
In comm.internal.SDRuBase
In comm.SDRuReceiver
Error using comm.SDRuTransmitter/setupImplLocal
An error occurred: Unable to find radio with IP address
Attach a device with this IP address, or continue working in offline mode.
Error in comm.internal.SDRuBase/setupImpl

Best Answer

I have contacted MathWork support and here is their reply:
MATLAB supports only the Ettus based radios. However by updating the firmware on the NI radio to Ettus UHD firmware, the radio behaves as an equivalent Ettus based radio and the radio can be discovered from MATLAB.
NI-USRP 2901 is an equivalent to Ettus radio B210. So, the SerialNum property can be used to access the B210 radio.
NI USRP2954R is equivalent to Ettus radio X310. And the IP Address property should be used to access the X310 radio.
I would suggest the following work around to use the NI USRP 2954:
You could try interfacing the NI USRP 2954 through Ethernet cable and run the 'Hardware Setup' to load the firmware onto the radio. To run the setup, select 'Add-ons'-->'Manage Add-ons'-->'Communications Toolbox support package for USRP radio'-->'Setup'
My comments regarding this issue:
Using ethernet connection, the NI-USRP X310 is successfully detected by MATLAB. You have to pay attention to the installed UHD driver version (on your host PC) and the one supported by the "Communication Toolbox Support Package for USRP Radio". In fact, the implemented firmware version on your X310 depends on the installed UHD version. Thus, I suggest that user must check UHD version installed on your host PC and the one supported by MATLAB.
Try to run "findsdru" command line on MATLAB, and if there is a problem regarding UHD version, MATLAB would alert you.