MATLAB: Eliminate decimals past the thousandths place in a table


I have a table being pulled from a database that contains 'string' and 'double' data that being a parameter name and it's associated limits. I am currently trying to eliminate replicate data using the unique function however some of the data that is considered duplicated is not removed because it has either 14 or 16 trailing zeros. I would like to eliminate the zeros past the thousandths place.
Fix, Ceil, Round, and Floor do not work with tables.

Best Answer

If those values are considered unique by the unique() function that eliminates the possibility that you're just using a long format such as
format long
but if those values are numeric, it suggests that they have some trailing non-zero decimal values, otherwise they wouldn't end in a string of 0s.
You could round all of your values to the thousandths place by using