MATLAB: EEGLAB installation error- Not able to set path


To install EEGLAB toolbox, I tried to "set path" and then add the EEGLAB directory. But every time I select the folder, I get an error message saying, "MATLAB cannot save changes to the path The path file, pathdef.m, might be read only or might be in a folder for which you do not have write access. You can save pathdef.m to a different location. For MATLAB to use it in the future sessions, save it in your MATLAB startup folder".
EEGLAB was working properly when I installed EEGLAB13_4_4b first in MATLAB 2014a. After that I installed MATLAB 2013 without uninstalling MATLAB 2014. Problem started coming when I removed the EEGLAB 13_4_4b and tried adding EEGLAb 13_1_1b. Now when ever I try using "set path" for any version of EGGLAB, this error message pops up.
Is there any fix for this problem ?

Best Answer

Did you read the error message?
You can save pathdef.m to a different location. For MATLAB to use it in the future sessions, save it in your MATLAB startup folder.
Did you try this?
Matlab's original pathdef.m is found in matlabroot\toolbox\local\ . So if you do not have write permissions to this folder, an individual pathdef.m file must be stored in a folder, which is preferred to Matlab's initial list of folder in the path. The startup folder is a fine location to achieve this.