MATLAB: Edit Text set “String” value constant while GUI is running..

edit textMATLABpushbutton

Hi all, think about a GUI including pop-up menu, edit text and pushbutton and Pop-up menu consists of 4 rows of variables, such as A,B,C, and D. When i choose each letter from the pop-up menu, it writes double (or string) to edit text. when i click the push button, some mathematical equations calculated behind the gui.
My question is how can i set the variable constant (or Static) while the gui is running ? For example, when you choose A ,it sets 500 to editbox1 (set(handles.editbox1,'String',xxx)), but in GUi you can change the number (510 for instance) before you clicked the pushbutton. Thanks.

Best Answer

You can set the "Enable" property of the UICONTROL to 'off' to block editing.