MATLAB: GUI: how to configure radio buttons to activate/grey out a set of checkboxes

enablegrey outguigui objectsradio button

Hello, I'm discovering the MATLAB GUI possibilities. Aim: to provide a user with a GUI to select some parameters that are necessary for running a program code. Specific: how do I configure the action applied to a set of 2 mutually exclusive radio buttons so that they activate or grey out a set of checkboxes. So, for instance, when the user selects the 'On' radio button, a set of checkboxes must be enabled. Can someone help me with this?
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

  1. Put one Button Group on your GUI
  2. Put two radiobutton inside the Button Group (that makes them mutually exclusive)
  3. Put the checkboxes on your GUIDE
  4. Click on the first radiobutton with your mouse right button, View Callbacks -> Callback
  5. MATLAB takes you to the m file of the GUI, now you can put the code that runs when you choose that radiobutton
By grey out you mean that the checkboxes are disabled (you can't check them), do this
set(handles.checkbox1,'Enable','off') %disable checkbox1
Do the same for every checkbox you want to disable.
Now to re enable them do the same steps for the other radiobutton but the code is:
set(handles.checkbox1,'Enable','on') %enable checkbox1