MATLAB: Draw a discontinuous line


Hi, I want to draw a discontinuous line that will later be used in a another plot. For my example I have written following lines
y1 = [0.6 0.6];
y2=[0.3 0.3];
x1 = [0.7 1.3];
x2=[1.8 2.2];
line(x1,y1); hold on
line(x2,y2); hold off
This is fine for 2 lines but I have more. Can this be written differently? Say for example for 10 discontinuous lines?

Best Answer

Do not use indexed variable names. Build a 2xn matrix instead.
x =
0.7000 1.8000
1.3000 2.2000
y =
0.6000 0.3000
0.6000 0.3000
Build a matrix instead