MATLAB: To draw a curve line

plot 3dplot curve line

Hi everybody.I want to draw a curve line and I used code
line([0 0],[0 952],[1238 1446]);
line([0 0],[952 1844],[1446 2000]);
line([0 0],[0 -952],[1238 1446]);
line([0 0],[-952 -1844],[1446 2000]);
But when Matlab run this code,I don't see what i need see. I think i should use "spline" but i can't. What need i do? thank so much/

Best Answer

Are you looking for a simple interpolation?
Your data...
x = [0 0 0 0 0];
y = [-1844 -952 0 952 1844];
z = [2000 1446 1238 1446 2000];
n = 50;
x1 = zeros(1,n);
y1 = linspace(min(y),max(y),n);
z1 = interp1(y,z,y1,'spline');
z2 = interp1(y,z,y1,'pchip');