MATLAB: Downloading HYCOM data using Matlab and OPeNDAP


I am trying to download HYCOM ( data using the OPeNDAP access method and MATLAB. The data url can be generated by selecting desired variables from this link. I need to download the data using scripts to automate the download of many years of data.
My MATLAB code looks like below, which you should be able to run as well without any modification:
% This script download the Global HYCOM reanalysis data for a given time step
for i=0:2863
timestep = 1; % This value need to be adjusted for duration of the record needed
url = ['[0:1:39],lat[0:1:3250],lon[0:1:4499],time['...
num2str(i) ':1:' num2str(j) ...
info = ncinfo(url);
% Successfully read these variables
depth = ncread(url, 'depth');
lat = ncread(url, 'lat');
lon = ncread(url, 'lon');
time = ncread(url, 'time');
% Trouble reading below variables
water_u = ncread(url, 'water_u');
water_v = ncread(url, 'water_v');
water_u_bottom = ncread(url, 'water_u_bottom');
water_v_bottom = ncread(url, 'water_v_bottom');
surf_el = ncread(url, 'surf_el');
water_temp = ncread(url, 'water_temp');
The scripts reads the depth, lat, lon, time fine, but gives error in reading the water_u variable on wards. The error message is:
Error using netcdflib
The NetCDF library encountered an error during execution of 'getVarShort' function - 'Index exceeds dimension bound
Error in netcdf.getVar (line 136)
data = netcdflib(funcstr,ncid,varid,varargin{:});
Error in (line 605)
data = netcdf.getVar(gid, varid);
Error in ncread (line 58)
vardata =, varargin{:});
I am not sure what is wrong with my code, and couldn't find any answer searching online so far. Appreciate your help.

Best Answer

I found out that downloading data from HYCOM is easier using Powershell script. Below is my code for a single grid point and for one year. I have been successful in running 5 such scripts at the same time, downloading 5 years of data for 1 grid point in 4-6 hour timeframe.
# This script is used to download current hindcast data from
# Result directory
# --------------------------------------------------------
$resultDirectory = $PSScriptRoot + "\Data"
If (!(test-path $resultDirectory))
md $resultDirectory
# Input
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Select coordinate for region of interest
# Location: Latitude 6° 20' S , Longitude: 11° 15' E
$east = 11.30
$west = 11.25
$south = -6.33
$north = -6.31
$date_start = '01-Jan-1994 12:00:00'
$date_end = '31-Dec-1994 23:00:00'
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Converting dates to datetime
$startDate = [datetime]::ParseExact($date_start,'dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss',$null)
$endDate = [datetime]::ParseExact($date_end,'dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss',$null)
Write-Host "Downloading data from " $startDate.ToString('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ') " to " $endDate.ToString('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ')
for ($time = $startDate; $time -le $endDate; $time=$time.AddHours(3)){
$error_flag = 1
while ($error_flag -eq 1){
# Example url. Do not delete. Used for date time format reference purposes
#$url = ""
# Download url
$url = "" + $time.ToString('yyyy') + "?var=water_u&var=water_v&north=" + $north.ToString() + "&west=" + $west.ToString() + "&east=" + $east.ToString() + "&south=" + $south.ToString() + "&time=" + $time.ToString('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ') + "&accept=netcdf4"
# Output file name
$fileName = $time.ToString('yyyyMMdd_HH') + ".nc"
$output = $PSScriptRoot + "\Data\" + $fileName
# Creating a web client which has the download file functionality
#WebProxy = New-Object System.Net.WebProxy("",$true)
$WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
Write-Host "Successfully downloaded file:" $fileName
$error_flag = 0
Catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message`n
$error_flag = 1
Write-Host "Retrying downloading file:" $fileName " ...."
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