MATLAB: How to convert .NetCDF reterive from NCEP/NCAR to ASCII files of each month

.nc filesascii fileMATLABnetcdf filestext file

I have file prepared by NCEP/NCAR. This file contain monthly temperature. I want to get temperature data in text file for each month since 1985 to 2015.
When i try ncdisp('')
I got
E:\meta data\new\data _thesis\NCEP\.Net files\
Global Attributes:
description = ' Data from NCEP initialized reanalysis (4x/day). These are interpolated to pressure surfaces from model (sigma) surfaces.'
platform = 'Model'
Conventions = 'COARDS'
NCO = '20121012'
history = 'Mon Jul 5 21:45:36 1999: ncrcat /Datasets/ncep.reanalysis.derived/pressure/ /dm/dmwork/nmc.rean.ingest/combinedMMs/
/home/hoop/crdc/cpreanjuke2farm/cpreanjuke2farm Tue Oct 17 20:07:08 1995 from
created 95/02/06 by Hoop (netCDF2.3)
Converted to chunked, deflated non-packed NetCDF4 2014/09'
title = 'monthly mean air from the NCEP Reanalysis'
References = ''
level = 17
lat = 73
lon = 144
time = 818 (UNLIMITED)
Size: 17x1
Dimensions: level
Datatype: single
units = 'millibar'
long_name = 'Level'
positive = 'down'
GRIB_id = 100
GRIB_name = 'hPa'
actual_range = [1.00e+03 1.00e+01]
axis = 'Z'
Size: 73x1
Dimensions: lat
Datatype: single
units = 'degrees_north'
actual_range = [9.00e+01 -9.00e+01]
long_name = 'Latitude'
standard_name = 'latitude'
axis = 'Y'
Size: 144x1
Dimensions: lon
Datatype: single
units = 'degrees_east'
long_name = 'Longitude'
actual_range = [0.00e+00 3.58e+02]
standard_name = 'longitude'
axis = 'X'
Size: 818x1
Dimensions: time
Datatype: double
long_name = 'Time'
delta_t = '0000-01-00 00:00:00'
avg_period = '0000-01-00 00:00:00'
prev_avg_period = '0000-00-01 00:00:00'
standard_name = 'time'
axis = 'T'
units = 'hours since 1800-01-01 00:00:0.0'
actual_range = [1.30e+06 1.89e+06]
Size: 144x73x17x818
Dimensions: lon,lat,level,time
Datatype: single
long_name = 'Monthly Mean of Air temperature'
units = 'degC'
precision = 2
least_significant_digit = 1
var_desc = 'Air Temperature'
level_desc = 'Multiple levels'
statistic = 'Mean'
parent_stat = 'Other'
missing_value = -9.97e+36
valid_range = [-2.00e+02 3.00e+02]
dataset = 'NCEP Reanalysis Derived Products'
actual_range = [-1.09e+02 4.32e+01]
These are my inputs to dimensions in nc files.
time: 444(means for January 1985 and it will be 445 for February 1985 and soon on till 2015)
Level: 0:1:16 (remains same in each file)
Lat:21:1:28 (remains same in each file)
Lon:24:1:31 (remains same in each file)
Save these text files in name like jan, feb,march,aparil,…..dec and make a folder with name of each year like 1985, 1986,1987…2015 where this code save monthly text files of the same year.
At end i have 30 folders(from 1985 to 2015) and 12 text files exporting from nc file in each folder.
My nc file exceeding 5Mb upload size that why i am sharing link NCEP/NCAR where i download my file. and i am using Rmatlab2013b version of matlab.
output text files for 1985 has been attached remaining are just like of that. Please help!

Best Answer

Reading nc file is very easy in MATLAB. Use ncdisp('') to view the contents of the file. ncdisp shows you variables, dimensions of the file. After looking into variables, you can read what ever the variable you want. To read longitude and latitude: lon = ncread('','Lon') ; % Lon is variable as given above lat = ncread('','Lat') ; % LAt is variable as given above
Like wise using ncread you can read all the variables. Once you have the data in workspace, you can write it into any format you want.