MATLAB: Does the zoom property get disabled if I add points to the plot after I enable the zoom property


Why does the zoom property get disabled if I add points to my plot after I enable the zoom property?
If I set the 'zoom' property of a figure to 'on' and then hold the plot and plot something else to the figure, the zoom property of the figure automatically gets disabled. Is this the intended behavior of the zoom command?
To reproduce the problem please run the following commands (one at a time) and observe the zoom state on the figure toolbar.
hold on
zoom on
Note that after step 4, the zoom state gets disabled automatically.
I am not sure if this behavior is intended, or if it is a bug.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 2006a (R2006a). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
This is the intended behavior in order to keep current the information of the state of the axes and its contents.
The workaround is to save the zoom status before adding points to the plot, and use it after plotting.
PLEASE NOTE: The 'getmode' feature of the ZOOM command has been tested for MATLAB 6.1 (R12.1). Therefore, this feature may not apply to other versions of MATLAB.
The following code can be used as a guide to work around the problem.
hold on
zoom on
if zoomstatus=='in'
zoom on