MATLAB: Zooming resizes axes


Dear all,
I am working on my first GUI and already [edited] beginning to love it [until here] 🙂 I am not managing it to obtain stable axes. Here is my code [now edited again, sorry].
Take this as input:
[X,Y] = meshgrid(1:200,1:100);
A = [peaks(100) peaks(100)];
This is the function:
function [] = mygui(X,Y,A)
% place data in structure array so that it is available to each subfunction = X; = Y; = A;
% set up figure
S.fh = figure('units','pixels',...
'position',[100 100 800 600],...
'name','Manual carving tool',...
% set up zoom toolbar
S.tbh = findall(S.fh,'Type','uitoolbar');
S.tbhb = findall(S.tbh);
delete(S.tbhb([2:9 13:end]));
S.tbhb = S.tbhb(10:12);
% axes = axes('parent',S.fh,...
'DataAspectRatio',[1 1 1],...
'OuterPosition',[0 0 600 600],...
'Position',[0 0 600 600],...
'PlotBoxAspectRatio',[1 1 1],...
% display A in axes = image('parent',,...
So if I now zoom in, the axes position remains at [0 0 600 600], then, if I zoom out and the image extent becomes smaller than the axes, the axes tighten around the image. If I doubleclick on the image, the original position of the axes appears again. However, I would like the axes to remain at the same position always, disregarding the "zoom history". I am using R2011b on Windows.
Thanks for your help, Anon

Best Answer

UPDATE Add this to the bottom of your mfile:
set(,'ylimmode','auto','xlimmode','auto'); %reset after image detroyed
h = zoom(; %build zoom object
zoom reset; %store current setting
set(h,'ActionPostCallback',{@mypostcallback,h}); %set callback
function mypostcallback(~,~,h)
zdir = get(h); get the handle
if(strcmp(zdir.Direction,'out')) %is it going out?
set(h,'ActionPostCallback',[]); %disable the call back to zoom out
zoom('out'); %zoom to original spot
set(h,'ActionPostCallback',{@mypostcallback,h}); %re-enable the callback
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