MATLAB: Does the Simulink model version get reset when saving in a new version of MATLAB


I am upgrading my model from R2018b to R2020b. In R2018b I my model version is 1.54, but when I save it in R2020b, Simulink resets the version to 5.0. Why does this happen?

Best Answer

This is expected behavior. The Model Version is given in the format major.minor. When you upgrade your model to a new release, Simulink resets minor to zero and increments the major version based on how many releases have passed. For instance, suppose you started with R2018b and major version 1. R2020b is the 4th release after 18b, so Simulink resets the major version to 5 (1 + 4). This behavior is also explained in the documentation: 
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