MATLAB: Does the GETFRAME function return a gray frame within MATLAB on an OS X 10.3.2 machine


Why does the GETFRAME function return a gray frame within MATLAB on an OS X 10.3.2 machine?
I have upgraded to OS X 10.3.2, which includes updates for ATI and NVidia graphics drivers. Now, when I capture frames of a figure using the OpenGL renderer with GETFRAME, the frames' color data is all gray.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 3 (R14SP3). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
This is a bug in the GETFRAME function within MATLAB when using an OS X 10.3.2 machine.
Currently, to workaround this issue, change the "Renderer" property of the figure to "painters" or "zbuffer" before using GETFRAME to capture the frame.