MATLAB: Does the file jre.cfg no longer exist in MATLAB 7.7 (R2008b)


The latest version of MATLAB install does not seem to contain the file "jre.cfg". Versions of MATLAB before this used to have this file on the following path
where [MATLABROOT] is the directory where MATLAB is installed and [ARCH] refers to the platform, e.g. "win32", "glnxa64" etc.
The presence of this file affects my application which involves interaction between COMSOL and MATLAB as COMSOL needs this file in the handshake mechanism with MATLAB.

Best Answer

Since the JRE (JAVA RUNTIME ENVIRONMENT) now has a generic filename "jre" instead of a specific release name (e.g. jre1.6.0_04), the "jre.cfg" file is not required. By default no "jre.cfg" file is created when MATLAB is installed.
If the "jre.cfg" file is required for another application, one can create this as a blank file in the specified directory.