MATLAB: Does the electrical circuit model crash MATLAB when the solver step size is of the order of pico seconds in Simelectronics 1.6 (R2011a)

Simscape Electronics

I have created a SimElectronics model that currently has a simulation stop time of 1.6e-3 and a solver step size of 3.2 e-8. The simulation goes to completion and the outputs (i.e. the node voltages) are calculated in the simulation.
As per design, I would like to set the simulation stop time as 9e-4 and a solver step size of 3.2e-12. I tried to run the simulation with these settings and the model stops in simulation mid-way, further crashes MATLAB.
– Open the model 'UWB_DECM_circuit_new'
– Keep the simulation time as in. Change the Solver step to 3.2e-12 as opposed to the current value of 3.2e-8.
– Run the model, the model leads MATLAB to crash

Best Answer

The MATLAB crash is due to an out of memory issue that occurs due to the huge number of outputs that result from the simulation.
The problem in the model settings is that, the data logging option is running our memory space par limitation. A step size of 1e-12 is going to generate a huge amount of data.
Options to eliminate this issue are:
- Increase the decimation for the Simscape logging from 1 to 1e4
- To turn OFF Simscape logging and add Scopes/To-Workspace blocks for just the variables of interest
The data logging options in Simscape are available in the Configuration Parameters pane as illustrated below: