MATLAB: Do I receive an error message while trying to package the generated code from a SimElectronics model using the PACKNGO function in SimElectronics 1.3 (R2009b)

Simscape Electronics

I am trying to generate code for a Rapid Simulation (RSim) target from a SimElectronics model and then trying to package it using the PACKNGO function in SimElectronics 1.3 (R2009b). I have selected ode15s as the variable step solver for this model.
I am able to generate code successfully. However, while trying to package it, I receive the following error.
Error encountered while executing PostCodeGenCommand: File "ode15s.c" does not exist.

Best Answer

This error is observed when you use any solver other than the fixed step 'ode14x' solver for generating standalone C/C++ code from a SimElectronics model.
As a possible workaround, change the solver setting to 'ode14x'.
For more information, refer to the following link from the SimElectronics 1.3 (R2009b) documentation.
web([docroot '/toolbox/physmod/elec/ug/brkxuoj-2.html'])