MATLAB: Does the Download Agent open in a text editor on Mac OS X

When I download the download agent from the MathWorks website on Mac OS X, it is trying to open in a text editor.

Best Answer

If the download agent is not opening properly, there could be two issues occurring. 
1) Please verify that the download agent is named download_agent.jnlp.
- Right click or control click the download agent icon and select get info
- In the Name & Extension field, if there is a .txt extension, remove it.
- Close the Info panel by click the red x on the top left.
- Launch the download agent again.
2) Java is not set as the default application for .jnlp files.
- Right click or control click the download agent icon and select "Open With     >"
- Select Java Web
- If the Java Web is not listed, you can select other and browse to the directory /System/Library/CoreServices and and select it.
- To register Java Web Start as the default application of JNLP files, please refer to the following link.
If you cannot locate the Java Web, then you will need to make sure Java is properly installed on your system. Java can be downloaded and installed from here: