MATLAB: Does not recognize I have Java installed when downloading


When I attempt to download, my web browser always fails to detect I have Java installed. I do have the current version of Java installed. I get the warning:
We cannot detect whether you have Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 6.0 or higher, which is required to download multiple products at once. Without JRE version 6.0 or higher, you will have to manually download each product.
Choose one of the following options to proceed:
I have JRE--takes you to the next step in the download process. With JRE 6.0 or higher, you will be able to download multiple MathWorks products at once.
Get JRE--takes you to Sun Microsystems Web site to download the latest version of JRE. Once you have downloaded JRE, you will be able to download multiple MathWorks products at once.
Proceed Without JRE--takes you to the next step in the download process. You will have to manually download each product.

Best Answer

This is a known issue.
If you know you have Java already installed on your computer, you can safely avoid this warning by choosing "I have JRE", agree to the Software License Agreement, and then continue by choosing your OS and click the "Download" button. The download agent will then launch and start the download procedure.
If you do not have Java installed, you can workaround this issue by choosing one of the other options. If you do not wish to install JRE, select "Proceed Without JRE" and then choose your OS, and then proceed with a manual download.