MATLAB: Do I get a warning about MathWorks being unable to detect Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 6.0 or higher when downloading MATLAB products


When I download MATLAB products from my MathWorks account, I get the following warning:
We cannot detect whether you have Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 6.0 or higher, which is required to download multiple products at once. Without JRE version 6.0 or higher, you will have to manually download each product.
Choose one of the following options to proceed:
I have JRE--takes you to the next step in the download process. With JRE 6.0 or higher, you will be able to download multiple MathWorks products at once.
Get JRE--takes you to Sun Microsystems Web site to download the latest version of JRE. Once you have downloaded JRE, you will be able to download multiple MathWorks products at once.
Proceed Without JRE--takes you to the next step in the download process. You will have to manually download each product.

Best Answer

If you receive this warning, you may not have Java installed for the correct version of your Internet browser. If Java is not installed, please go to to get the most recent download package for your browser.
You may also receive this warning when running a 32-bit browser with 64-bit JVM installed. If you choose "I have JRE", the next page will automatically prompt to install 32-bit JVM or it will continue the download process using 64-bit JVM.
If you have 32-bit JVM installed and run a 32-bit browser (or vice versa with 64-bit), it will avoid this warning.
If you are unable to download Java, you can also use the manual download method by choosing "Proceed Without JRE".