MATLAB: Does the documentation for ROTATE3D describe the ‘RotateStyle’ property as ‘RotateMotion’


The documentation and examples for the ROTATE3D lists 'RotateMotion' as a property of the ROTATE3D mode object.
This generates errors when I try to use it:
??? There is no 'RotateMotion' property in the 'rotate3d' class.

Best Answer

This is an error within the documentation for ROTATE3D in MATLAB 7.3 (R2006b) within the section 'Using Rotate Mode Objects' and section 'Examples'. The correct property name is 'RotateStyle'.
The documentation should read as follows:
Specifies whether this figure mode is currently enabled on the figure.
RotateStyle 'orbit'|'box'
Example 2Rotate the plot using the "Plot Box" rotate style:surf(peaks);
h = rotate3d;
% Rotate the plot.