MATLAB: Does the default font in MATLAB 7.0 (R14) editor look different from that in MATLAB 6.5 (R13) on a Macintosh


I am working on the Macintosh Platform. The default font in MATLAB 7.0 (R14) editor looks different from that in MATLAB 6.5 (R13). I would like to know if there has been a change in the default font settings between these two versions of MATLAB.

Best Answer

The default font in the MATLAB 7.0 (R14) editor is different from that used in MATLAB 6.5 (R13) on a Macintosh. In MATLAB 7.0 (R14), a different type of monospaced font is being use as the default. To retain the look of MATLAB 6.5 (R13), change the font to "monaco" under "File -> Preferences -> Font".