MATLAB: Does “Testing Connectivity” on Admin Center shows “Node Port Availability” as “Test failed.”

MATLAB Parallel Server

I see the "Test failed" icon at "Node Port Availability" when I executed "Testing Connectivity" from Admin Center. How can I resolve this failure?
Testing Connectivity:

Best Answer

This error is caused by a connection issue in the cluster. To resolve this issue, please try the following steps:
1. Verify if Network License Manager is started
Please make sure if the License Manager has been started correctly. Please refer to the related solution "How do I monitor the usage of licenses or keys for MATLAB and the Toolboxes?" if you would likt to know how to verify License Manager status.
2. Verify what port number is used on License Manager
Please make sure if the port number of your network.lic and license.dat for License Manager are the same. If you network.lic file has the different port number, please update this number to the same as license.dat for License Manager.
To make sure about your port number, please refer to the related solution "How do I migrate my MATLAB clients to a new license server when the license server changes?".
3. Firewall
Please make sure if your Firewall prevents the connections as the reasons below.
3-1) The License Server Firewall settings prevent from incoming or outgoing connection through the port number. You are able to verify this affection by disabling Firewall temporary. There are two ports the license manager uses for communication. To make sure about port number in detail, please refer to the realted solution "Can the network license manager be configured to work inside a firewall?".
3-2) One or more nodes in the cluster cannot identify each other and allow its mdce service to communicate with the mdce service on the other cluster nodes. To resolve this issue, please refer to the related solution "How do I configure the MATLAB Parallel Server, Job Manager and Parallel Computing Toolbox to work within a firewall?".
4. Verify the MJS service is started on all nodes
To verify if mjs service is started on all nodes:
  • NOTE: Starting in R2019a the following name changes occurred:
  • MATLAB Distributed Computing Server was renamed to MATLAB Parallel Server
  • mdce_def was renamed to mjs_def
  • mdce binary was renamed to mjs