MATLAB: Does Simbiology say the data doesn’t contain a numeric value

SimBiologysimbiology datafit dataset

I'm trying to run a data fit with experimental data. Every time I run data fit, Simbiology gives me the error: Dataset must contain at least one numeric variable. The dataset looks fine and has many numeric values. What could be going on?

Best Answer

Thanks for the quick replies! The data set is a 231x2 vector of class double from my matlab worksopace. One column is time and the other column is concentration. I don't think it is the cell array issue.
I am using SimBiology desktop, not using the command line. I'm using Matlab2014a. I have 2 reactions with five variables and five parameters (kinetic rate constants). I have data for the concentration of the product that is made in time. I'm asking Simbiology to fit the 5 rates (for which I have a good guess) and it runs the fit for a while and then at the end it says the dataset must contain a numeric variable and then that the model is overparameterized. Maybe it is something about the dataset, but I'm not sure what to try, I'm new to Simbiology but a Matlab veteran of sorts. :-D
Thanks for the help
How do I share the data and .sbproj here?