MATLAB: Does Polyspace become “queued due to license failure” and the log files contain a license manager error -2

Polyspace Code ProverPolyspace Code Prover Server

When trying to use Polyspace, response from the spooler is that it is "queued due to a license failure".
If I look in log files, I see an "Invalid license check" and "Invalid license file syntax" accompanied by a license manager error -2.
How do I resolve this error?

Best Answer

This is due to a problem in the license file found in:
/usr/local/PolySpace/PolySpace_Common/etc/license.dat (UNIX)
C:\PolySpace\PolySpace_Common\etc\license.dat (Windows)
/usr/local/PolySpace/PolySpace_Common/licenses/license.dat (UNIX)
C:\PolySpace\PolySpace_Common\licenses\license.dat (Windows)
It may contain the syntax:
If this is the case, update this file to instead say: