MATLAB: Does not Root Inport Mapping APP open in R2014b when NI-DAQ driver is installed


I tried to open Root Inport Mapping APP in R2014b by clicking on the 'Edit Input' button in the Data Import/Export pane of Configuration Parameters, but the windows does not come up at all, and there is no warning or error. I have reintalled MATLAB and it still does not work.
I have also tried on other computers, and I find out that the ones that does not work all had NI-DAQ driver installed compared to the working ones. 

Best Answer

There is an issue with Root Inport Mapping APP launcher when NI-DAQ driver is installed. The cause of the issue is that tbb.dll (Intel Thread Building Blocks library) is referenced when Simulink tries to launch the window, and when an NI-DAQ driver is installed, it also installs the tbb.dll on Windows\System32 path which sits on higher System Path than MATLAB root directory. The version of NI's tbb.dll is different from the one that ships with MATLAB, and as a result, the Root Inport Mapping window does not open.
Workaround Solution:
There are several ways to fix the problem
Option 1:      Copy ‘<matlabroot>\bin\win64\tbb.dll’  to ‘<matlab root>\cefclient\bin\win64\’ (preferred)
Option 2:      Move ‘<matlabroot>\cefclient\bin\win64\’ higher on system path than '...Windows\System32\'
Option 3:      Rename or remove tbb.dll from ‘…\Windows\System32\tbb.dll’