I believe MMREADER is supported on SUSE Linux but MMREADER.ISPLATFORMSUPPORTED returns false. I ran MMREADER.ISPLATFORMSUPPORTED on OpenSUSE 9.3 and 10.2 machines. The 9.3 machine returned false and the 10.2 machine returned true. What determines whether or not a particular platform is supported by MMREADER? The documentation for MMREADER.ISPLATFORMSUPPORTED does not provide an answer.

Best Answer

This change has been incorporated into the documentation in Release 2010a (R2010a). For previous releases, read below for any additional information:
A likely reason you are getting this result is because you do not have the correct version of Gstreamer installed on your SUSE Linux machine. ISPLATFORMSUPPORTED first checks whether the plugins are installed in matlab\toolbox\matlab\audiovideo\bin\mmreader\plugins\<arch> directory and then it checks whether it can use those plugins to interface with the OS multimedia framework (in this case Gstreamer). Some things you can try are:
1. Check matlab\toolbox\matlab\audiovideo\bin\mmreader\plugins\<arch> for files like ''.
2. Instead of using mmreader.isPlatformSupported, try using MMREADER directly to load a video file. Let us know if you get an error message (and what the message says).
3. Check if you can use the OS media player (like Totem) to play the same files. This can indicate if you have Gstreamer correctly configured.
4. You can check your SUSE Linux package manager to make sure you have the right version of Gstreamer installed. MMREADER works with Gstreamer 0.10.x and above.