MATLAB: Does MATLAB provide 24-bit audio support


Does MATLAB provide 24-bit audio support?

Best Answer

This enhancement has been made for Release 14 (R14). For previous product releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
Beginning with MATLAB 6.5 (R13), 24-bit audio is supported.
If you are using a previous version of MATLAB, only support -8 or 16-bit audio is supported. Please upgrade to the latest version of MATLAB if you are interested in the 24-bit audio support.
You can use the function AUDIOPLAYER in order to play a 24-bit sound recording. This function creates a handle to an audio player object. For details on this function, as well as a list of methods you can use on the audio player object, type:
doc audioplayer
Furthermore, you can also read and write 24-bit or 32-bit .wav files with the functions WAVREAD and WAVWRITE. Note, however, that the functions AUDIOPLAYER and AUDIORECORDER support 24-bit sound but not 32-bit.