MATLAB: Direct control of sound-card via Matlab in 64-bit Windows: Is this possible

asiosound card

We have an ASIO-supported sound card (ASUS Xonar D2) on a desktop running on Windows 7 (64-bit). We would like to instal Matlab (2010b or later) on this desktop to play sounds in a context where timing is crucial. However, before this I would like to know if there are suitable MATLAB-soundcard-interface programs available (for example playrec or pa-wavplay) which would operate in this 64-bit environment. Many thanks

Best Answer

Not sure this qualifies as an answer. I have been sticking with 32-bit MATLAB (Linux) because I am pretty sure there is no freely available portaudio (essentially what ASIO is running on) code for 64-bit MATLAB. Psychtoolbox, which I think has the best documented and most actively developed portaudio implementation, does not support 64-bit MATLAB (although they are trying to get full 64-bit support by the end of 2011). They suggest running MATLAB in 32-bit mode on a 64-bit machine (