MATLAB: Does MATLAB Parallel Server using HPC validation fail when validating on step 2 job test

MATLAB Parallel Server

I have an MATLAB Parallel Server cluster using Microsoft HPC as the scheduler and when I try to validate, validation fails on step 2 with an error similar to this one:
Unable to find log file
Getting data for HPC Server 2008 JobID 1401.
Error Message : Task 1401.1 failed. Please check the failed task for more
details on the failure.
Getting data for HPC Server 2008 JobID 1401 and TaskID 1.
CommandLine : "D:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014a\bin\worker.bat"
Stdout sent : D:\Temp\MATLAB\Job1\Task1.log
Error Message : Unable to open standard output file on node
HPC-SERVER:Exception 'Failed to create standard output file
'D:\Temp\MATLAB\Job1\Task1.log', The system cannot find
the path specified' reported creating the task.

Best Answer

This error indicates that the job storage location defined in your cluster profile is not a directory which the user running MATLAB Parallel Server on the HPC server can write to. This can happen because:
  • The directory does not exist
  • The directory is not reachable from the HPC server head node
  • The directory exists but the user that is running MATLAB Parallel Server does not have permission to write to that directory
To resolve this issue ensure that the directory you have specified in your cluster profile can be written to by the user running MATLAB Parallel Server on the head node.