MATLAB: Does MATLAB open in command mode only on a Fedora/Redhat machine


When launching MATLAB on my Fedora machine, it goes directly into the command window. There are no errors displayed and if I try to go into the MATLAB desktop by running the command "desktop," I get the error message that "Java is not enabled."

Best Answer

This issue may occur if the SELinux settings are not set correctly for MATLAB. SELinux may be allowing the MATLAB binaries to start but not the Java binaries that the desktop needs.
To test this, you can temporarily disable SELinux by running the following command in a Terminal:
/usr/sbin/setenforce 0
Once disabled, try running MATLAB again. If it starts in the full mode, you can restore SELInux by running:
/usr/sbin/setenforce 1
You will then need to disable SELinux or adjust the SELinux settings so that the contents of $MATLAB/sys/java/jre are allowed to work in conjunction with SELinux. Refer to the SELinux documentation for more information about how to enable that folder.