MATLAB: Do I receive an error about “” when installing MATLAB R14SP3 or later on Linux machines


The installer outputs with the following error message when installing MATLAB:
$MATLAB/update/bin/glnxa64/xsetup: error while loading shared libraries:
$MATLAB/update/bin/glnxa64/ cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied
The installer abruptly quits at this point.

Best Answer

There may be an issue with the SELinux settings on this machine. SELinux may be preventing the installer from starting properly. This problem is appearing in newer kernel distributions with Security Enhanced Linux (SElinux) enabled (mostly found in Fedora Core 4 or higher).
To confirm this, you can temporarily disable SELinux by running this command as root:
/usr/sbin/setenforce 0
Once that command has been run, try the installer again. You should be able to proceed through the installation at this point. Once installed, you can run the command:
/usr/sbin/setenforce 1
To turn SELinux back on. Please keep in mind that running SELinux may prevent MATLAB from starting as well. Please see the related solution: Why do I receive errors relating to the file "libmwlapack" when starting MATLAB R14SP3 or higher on Linux?