MATLAB: Does MATLAB 7.14 (R2012a) crash when I start Simulink in Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion)


When I attempt to start Simulink either by typing “simulink” at the command line or clicking on the Simulink icon MATLAB produces an error message for about 1 second and then MATLAB crashes. The following is the error message I receive:
Error message: No constructor 'LibraryBrowser.StandaloneBrowser' with matching signature found.
I know that MATLAB 7.14 (R2012a) is not officially supported with Mountain Lion but I am still hoping to get it to work. I have XQuartz X11 installed.

Best Answer

In order to resolve this issue, it is necessary to log out and log back into your Mac, after installing XQuartz X11. Otherwise XQuartz is not the default X11 server.
This crash behavior is the result of not logging out or restarting the machine. Upon starting up, MATLAB will not necessarily warn you that it has not found an X11 server but may eventually crash.