MATLAB: Does Link for ModelSim include support for bi-directional buses

busesEDA Simulator Link MQverilog

I would like to know if the latest version of Link for ModelSim (R2007b) has support for bidirectional buses. VHDL simulators can interpret control signals such as Z,X, U states. However, this ability is not available in Link for ModelSim where a bus/signal can be used as a bi-directional signal.

Best Answer

Simulink 7.0 (R2007b) does not have support for bi-directional signals or buses, it supports only unidirectional signals.
At present Simulink does not have multi-state logic values, only '0' and '1'. All 'Z', 'X', etc in HDL are converted to '0'.
However, you can avoid modifying the HDL code and can cosimulate bi-directional signals in HDL using Link for ModelSim. For the HDL Cosimulation block, you would need to specify the same signal twice: once as an input and once as an output. You would need to have a resolution function for proper simulation in HDL.