MATLAB: Does IMAQHWINFO return an empty DeviceInfo list of winvideo devices

0devicedeviceinfodevicesImage Acquisition Toolboximaqhwinfoinfoinstalledadaptorsvideoinputwinvideozero

I would like to know why IMAQHWINFO returns a 1×0 DeviceInfo structure.
I am not able to connect to my video device using: VIDEOINPUT('winvideo', 1).

Best Answer

In order for the Image Acquisition Toolbox to access Windows video devices, the correct DirectX version must be installed. Visit the Image Acquisition Toolbox Supported Hardware page at:
Click on "Supported Hardware" to determine the DirectX version required by the toolbox.
See the "Troubleshooting" section of the Image Acquisition Toolbox documention for instructions on how to determine what version of DirectX you have installed.
Visit the Microsoft DirectX Web site at:
for more information on DirectX, or to download the latest DirectX runtime version.
To determine the version of DirectX installed on your system, see the Related Solution listed below.