MATLAB: Trouble with videoinput and dcam device

image acquisitionImage Acquisition Toolboxvideovideo processing

Hi all,
I'm relatively new to Matlab. I am trying to write a script that takes a live video feed from a Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920. Eventually I want to use edge detection with it rather than a recorded video, but thats not where Im having the issue. I am using Matlab R2014b.
This is my code for creating a videoinput object:
caminf = imaqhwinfo;
mycam = char(caminf.InstalledAdaptors());
mycaminfo = imaqhwinfo(mycam);
resolution = char(mycaminfo.DeviceInfo.SupportedFormats());
vid = videoinput(mycam, 1, resolution);
if I enter the command: imaqhwinfo(mycam), it says that AdaptorName: 'dcam'. However, if I run this code in a script I get the error message:
Error using videoinput (line 233)
There are no devices installed for the specified ADAPTORNAME. See IMAQHWINFO.
Im not really sure where the problem could be here…
Thank you

Best Answer

You are using a Logitech camera which is a webcam. The dcam adaptor does not support webcams. If you are using the videoinput command, you should use the winvideo adaptor.
Since you are using R2014b, you can also use the webcam object. It doesn't have all of the features of videoinput, but has a simpler interface.
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