MATLAB: Does Excel Link 2.0.1 (R13+) send wrong date data to MATLAB when the date in Excel is one of the elements of a large array

2.0.1arraydateerrorexcellinkSpreadsheet Link

I am having trouble exporting date data from Excel to MATLAB. I have the following array in Excel:
'aaa' '6/4/2003'
'bbb' '6/5/2003'
As it can be seen, I have a combination of strings and dates in this array. When I export this data as a single variable to MATLAB, the strings are exported to MATLAB properly. However, the data for dates in MATLAB is incorrect.
If I export a single date element from Excel to MATLAB as a 1 by 1 vector, it is exported properly. The problem occurs only when the date data is a member of a large array.

Best Answer

This problem has been fixed in Excel Link 2.2 (R14). If you are using a previous version, read the following:
This is a bug in Excel Link 2.0.1. in the way that date data is handled when in a large array. Our development staff is currently investigating this issue.
To work around this issue, use PutFullMatrix when only numeric data is being sent and PutWorkspaceData when mixed or string data is being sent.