MATLAB: Date Axis

date axistime series

Hello Everyone,
Hope all is well. I need some help regarding, setting up Dates on x-axis. I have about 195 data points, and of course, I would like only 10-15 dates to show up on axis, as labels. Here is what I have tried to do, but somehow it is not working.
startDate = datenum('01-01-1995');
endDate = datenum('12-31-2010');
numtick = round((endDate - startDate)/365);
xData = linspace(startDate,endDate,numtick);
hold on
grid on
p1 = plot(winmeanav,'-r');
p2 = plot(spxnav,'.-g');
p3 = plot(sprnav,'-k');
title('Time Series plot of NAVs between 1/1/1995 and
xlabel('Number of Months passed since 1/1/1995')
Please let me know, if any extra information is needed. Any help would be very appreciated.

Best Answer

In your linspace() use numtick+1 .
For example suppose there was a difference of 1 year, 365 days. The serial date difference would be 365, round(365/365) would be 1, and then your current code would try to represent that 1 year range as a single value whereas you want one for the beginning and one for the end.
Also, you might have to cellstr() around the datestr() call.
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