MATLAB: Does dlmread fail to import the csv files using the matlab 2016b installation when the same code works properly in the 2016a installation

''2016bdlmreadundefined function

I'm importing a csv file using the following call: data = csvread(csvFilename.csv',5,0);
I'm skipping rows to leave out header information. Beginning on the 5th row of the file (base 0), there is a 197×23 array of numbers. The above function call works in my 2016a installation, but in 2016b, I get the error "Error using dlmread (line 147) Undefined function '' for input arguments of type 'cell'."
Stepping through dlmread in debug mode in 2016a and 2016b, I didn't see any differences in the values of workspace variables during my function call.
The command "which" returned "'' not found." in the 2016a and 2016b installation.
Any ideas for troubleshooting?

Best Answer

This sounds like an installation issue. The missing function should be installed with MATLAB. You may want to reinstall MATLAB, or contact support.
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