MATLAB: ‘s getFileInfoForToolstrip missing after update to R2018a

_undefined functiongetfileinfofortoolstripMATLABr2018a update

Since updating to MAtlab R2018a, I have been getting the error: Undefined function or variable 'matlab.unittest.internal.ui.toolstrip.getFileInfoForToolstrip', periodically in my command window. Specifically happens every time that I save a file in the editor.

Best Answer

For performance purposes, MATLAB caches a list of files on the MATLAB search path (including toolbox files), and this cache can persist even after closing MATLAB (but not after restarting your machin). It seems that this cache is getting into a bad state on your machine.
Try the following commands:
rehash toolboxcache
If the above fails to resolve the issue, try restarting your system.