MATLAB: Does DICOMWRITE write ImplementationUIDs with first component digit as zero ‘.0’ in Image Processing Toolbox 6.4 (R2009b)

0dicomImage Processing Toolboximplementationuidzero

I am trying to create a DICOM object with the use of DICOMWRITE.
The problem is I cant specify the ImplementationUID tag, and my DICOM Validation toolkit states MATLAB's ImplementationUID is illegal. It is also being rejected by one of our planning systems.
It is my understanding that you shouldn't have a .0 in a UID e.g.
xxxxx.034.xxxx would be invalid, however
xxxxxx.0.34.xxxxx would be ok
MATLAB's ImplementationUID ends in '.0', and this might be the problem. I suppose one workaround would be to modify this, but I cannot seem to specify a different one.

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 2010b (R2010b). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
The ability to edit the ImplementationUID is unavailable in the Image Processing Toolbox 6.4 (R2009b).
According to the DICOM standard PS 3.5-2007 Section 9.1:
"Each component of a UID is a number and shall consist of one or more digits. The first digit of each component shall not be zero unless the component is a single digit."
We believe we are not violating this with our current value (, though the trailing zero might be sufficient to throw off a validation tool.
To work around this:
1) Download the attached 'dicom_prep_FileMetadata.m' that does not include any ".0." components in the UID.
2) Make a backup of the file with the same name currently in toolbox/images/iptformats/private and replace with the new file.
3) Issue the following command in your MATLAB Command Window:
rehash toolbox
4) Restart MATLAB.