MATLAB: Do Simulink models created using blocks from the DSP blockset version 3.x not work in Simulink 6.6 (R2007a)


I have a Simulink model created using Simulink 3.x. The model uses blocks from the DSP blockset version 3.x. The model fails to load or simulate correctly. An example model is attached.
Numerous blocks in my model refer to 'Bad Link', and simulation errors such as the following are displayed:
Failed to find library 'dspsnks2' referenced by 'example/FFT Frame Scope'. This library must be on your MATLAB path.
SLUPDATE fails with errors similar to those listed below:
Warning: Unable to load block diagram 'dspsnks2'.
> In D:\testing for a bug\MATLAB\R2007a\toolbox\simulink\simulink\@ModelUpdater\private\forceSysOpen.p>forceSysOpen at 38
In ModelUpdater.ModelUpdater>ModelUpdater.ModelUpdater at 66
In slupdate at 48
Warning: Unable to load block diagram 'dspswit2'.
> In D:\testing for a bug\MATLAB\R2007a\toolbox\simulink\simulink\@ModelUpdater\private\forceSysOpen.p>forceSysOpen at 38
In ModelUpdater.ModelUpdater>ModelUpdater.ModelUpdater at 66
In slupdate at 48
Warning: Unable to load block diagram 'dspsrcs2'.
> In D:\testing for a bug\MATLAB\R2007a\toolbox\simulink\simulink\@ModelUpdater\private\forceSysOpen.p>forceSysOpen at 38
In ModelUpdater.ModelUpdater>ModelUpdater.ModelUpdater at 66
In slupdate at 48
The model contains blocks from the Signal Processing Blockset. In the previous release I used to receive the following warning when I tried to open my model
Warning: dspsnks2: The current Simulink model contains blocks from a prior version of Signal Processing Blockset that will not be supported in future releases. We strongly recommend that you replace these blocks with currently supported blocks. Please run the DSP_LINKS utility to obtain a list of the obsolete blocks in this model. A list of currently supported replacement blocks can be found in the R14SP2 Signal Processing Blockset Release Notes.

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 2007a (R2007a). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
The Release 11 block libraries of the DSP Blockset are no longer supported as of Simulink 6.6 (R2007a). Models containing these old blocks will not open since the library files have been obsolete. In previous releases, a warning was issued if these Release 11 blocks were detected in the model being opened.
There is a tool available that will help remove these obsoleted blocks from the model and update them appropriately. This tool can only be used with R2006b or earlier versions and not with R2007a. If you plan to continue using these models with R2007a and later releases, then you must remove the R11 blocks. Failure to do so will result in non-functioning models with broken links.
The tool is available on MATLAB Central at the following location:
The tool includes a PDF document that describes this issue in more detail and on a block-by-block basis.