MATLAB: How to open the older models saved by Simulink 2.0 in “.m” file format in Simulink 5.0 (R13) that only accepts “.mdl” format


How can I open my older models saved by Simulink 2.0 in ".m" file format in Simulink 5.0 (R13) that only accepts ".mdl" format?
I have a model saved by Simulink 2.0 and I would like to work on the model in Simulink 5.0 (R13).

Best Answer

To open an ".m" format model in a current version of Simulink:
1) Open the ".m" format model in Simulink 2.2 (R10)
2) Use the SLUPDATE command to replace blocks from a previous release with newer ones. After the SLUPDATE, the model is saved as ".mdl" format under "File -> Save As".
3) Open the model in Simulink 3.0.1 (R11.1)
4) Update the model using the SLUPDATE command and saved in ".mdl" format. This procedure is repeated until the desired Simulink version is reached.