MATLAB: Do I see the message “The Activation Key does not match the entitlement that you selected.”


When activating following an automatic MATLAB installation on my university or college's site license, I see an Application Error "The Activation Key does not match the entitlement that you selected."

Best Answer

You will receive this error if your institution is licensed for both student and campus use and you choose to install and/or activate the student license but supply the campus activation key, or vice-versa.
To complete the activation process successfully, follow the steps below:
1) Cancel out of the current activation application
2) Restart the activation client by following the appropriate instructions below:
1. Click on the Start menu
2. Go to the Programs folder, next the MATLAB folder, then the appropriate release folder
3. Click on "Activate MATLAB"
Mac OS X
(R2008b and later)
1. In the Finder, select Applications
2. Right-click or Ctrl-click on the MATLAB icon
3. Click on "Show Package Contents"
4. Launch the Activate application from within the package folder
1. Open a terminal window
2. Navigate to the bin subdirectory of MATLAB installation
3. run the command: ./
3) Retry automatic activation following the steps below:
1. Select "Activate automatically using the Internet"; click continue
2. Enter your campus email address and MathWorks account password to login
4. Select "Enter an activation key for a license not listed"
5. Submit the appropriate activation key. A campus activation key should be used on campus or faculty owned machines only, while a student license is allowed to be installed on student-owned computers.
4. Click Next. The activation should now complete without error.
If the product sets of the student and campus licenses differ, you may not have installed the correct products. To verify the products installed, run the 'ver' command at the MATLAB command prompt. If you need to install additional products from the correct license, see the solution 'How do I install additional toolboxes into an existing installation of MATLAB?'