MATLAB: Do I see error message when installing MATLAB Compiler Runtine(MCR) on 64-bit Windows Vista machine

installationissuesMATLAB Compilermcr

I am trying to install MATLAB Compiler Runtime 7.9 (R2008b) on my local drive. I get the following error message:
System Administrator has set policies to prevent this installation
I am using Laptop and I am the sole administrator. I followed the instructions in the link below:
The laptop is installed with Vista business. So I followed the Local Security Policy method and it did not work.
Also, I tried the through Registry Editor method, which is supposed to work for all Vista; but it failed again with the same error message.

Best Answer

This is specific to security issues while installing some executables on some machines. In order to work around the issue, right click on the "MCRInstaller.exe" icon with Windows Explorer and select "Run as Administrator". While running as administrator, admin level security token should be used to install the runtime.